英会話 1日1フレーズ【No.151~200】 X Facebook はてブ Pocket LINE Pinterest 2022.07.28 英会話のフレーズを学ぶページのパートⅣです。 こちらでは、覚えておくとさらに英会話の幅が広がる、使う機会の多い実用的な英語を精選しています。 気になったフレーズがあればぜひ覚えて、英会話で実践してみてください。 No.101~150はこちら。 No.151~160 151・I’m just wondering. 152・Keep the change. 153・Let me guess. 154・Let me make it up to you. 155・Hang on. 156・There’s no time. 157・Could we please talk about this later? 158・Why would you think that? 159・Just relax. 160・It’s easier said than done. No.161~170 161・Don’t be ridiculous. 162・One more thing. 163・Watch out! 164・It doesn’t make sense. 165・Big deal! 166・I need your help. 167・Do I make myself clear? 168・It’s possible. 169・This is top priority. 170・Let me be more specific. No.171~180 171・I’m on my way. 172・What do you want? 173・I wish I could. 174・What is your problem? 175・I’m just curious. 176・What’s your plan? 177・You look familiar to me. 178・Nothing personal. 179・Take a deep breath. 180・I’m just checking. No.181~190 181・I don’t care. 182・What’s bothering you? 183・It’s not over yet. 184・I’ve been thinking. 185・(Do)We all agree? 186・Whatever you want. 187・You’re right. 188・(I’ll) Talk to you later. 189・I see your point. 190・Don’t over do it. No.191~200 191・Interrupt me if you need me. 192・Let’s call it a day. 193・Kind of. 194・I know how you feel. 195・Chill out. 196・That’s personal. 197・I second that. 198・I’m counting on you. 199・I’ll manage it somehow. 200・Don’t talk to me like that. No.201~はこちらのページです。 <<覚えておきたい英会話の例文集へ